Wine is only as good as the people with whom it is being shared.
Tag: <span>champagne</span>

Wine Facts [Part 5]

What does “Reserve” mean and how does it affect the price of the wine? How does the alcohol content affect the wine? What is the difference between neutral oak vs. new oak? How many bubbles are in one bottle of Champagne? You’ll find all the answers to these questions below. …

More Wine For The Holidays

This holiday wine post is a follow-up to the previous one on WINE FOR THE HOLIDAYS.  I addressed the red wines – specifically Pinot Noirs, Zinfandels and Cabernet Sauvignons.  This time, I will take on white wine, dessert wine and sparkling wine. So no matter if you are buying a …

Wine Bottle Shapes And Sizes

Welcome to the most comprehensive wine bottle shapes article on the internet. All wine bottles are not created equal! Their physical shape differs greatly from one another based on the type of wine they carry. Some wine bottle shapes are long and thin, others are short and fat… but don’t …

Wine Quotes & Sayings To Elevate Your Wine Experience

Wine is the heartbeat of our civilization in all of its conviviality. It inspires and it tickles. It has the power to unite the most divided. It attracts clever sayings and memorable quotes from various people, some more famous than others. Politicians, writers, poets, philosophers, artists or wine enthusiasts alike, …