Wine is only as good as the people with whom it is being shared.
Category: <span>Wine Craft & Projects</span>

Learn About Wine Barrels And How They Are Made

I recently acquired my third wine barrel, thanks to the nice folks of the Pulchella Winery. I’ve always had such a fascination for those vessels, and love having them in and around the house. Let’s face it, they look nice and leave behind a wonderfully addicting smell of oak and …

Wine Wrapping Woes – Master The Art Of Wine Bottle Wrapping

Many times throughout the year, we get invited to a dinner party to celebrate a birthday. We’ve all been there… Fun with family and  friends, tasty food, a little bit of drinking, lots of fun with people we love! So naturally, you decide to buy a bottle of wine for …

My Back-to-Back Wins At The Wine Spectator Video Contest!

It was September 2021 and the Wine Spectator Video Contest committee just announced their video competition winners. I have followed the WS annual video competition off and on for several years. But something clicked in me when I saw the winning video. I thought it was good, but I knew …

How To Build A Wine Barrel Table With Lights – DIY

My wife and I went on yet another wine tasting trip in the Santa Ynez Valley a while back. Yes I know… What else is new? We went to Lincourt Vineyards, and after chatting with the tasting room manager for a while, he graciously gave us a wine barrel from …

My Wine Box Shelf Project

For years, I have been collecting wooden wine boxes. Without any real project in mind, those precious wooden boxes were neatly piled in a corner of my garage. The piles started getting higher and my organization skills could not keep up with the insane amount of boxes I add accrued. …